Sirius XM: Now Radio app expands to Android Handsets

Time: 6/02/2010 11:07:00 AM
Today,Sirius XM Radio has released an Android version of its application that is currently available on Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch.

Sirius XM adds the application is compatible with a variety of Android-powered devices including Motorola's Droid, HTC's Droid Incredible and Droid Eris, and Google Nexus One models. Upon downloading the free app, users can also register for a seven-day free trial to Sirius XM Premium Online.

Should we celebrate the arrival of Sirius XM in the fast-growing Android platform? Of course. The move brings satellite radio subscribers the most basic, and puts his right foot in the door. In the unlikely event that one day decides Sirius XM Satellite expensive to replace with a streaming model, which will have to be a force all smartphone platforms.

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