Stock Analysis: Will iPhone 4 Send Apple Stock Soaring?

Time: 6/24/2010 10:17:00 AM
With the release of Apple's new iPhone 4, investors may be wondering how Apple stock will behave around the release. Let's take a look at how Apple's stock price has moved for the previous iPhone releases to see what we can learn.

iPhone Euphoria

The original iPhone was met with great fanfare after CEO Steve Jobs' announcement introducing it at Macworld on January 9, 2007. Jobs introduced the phone saying, "iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone."

Since customers were unable to buy the phone until June, Apple enthusiasts instead went on a buying spree for Apple stock. Following the surprise announcement, Apple shares jumped over 15%, from $85.47 on January 8 to close at $97.00 on January 10. Order volume for the two days soared over 100 million on both days, about four times Apple's normal trading volume before the announcement.

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