Obama might meet with BP CEO Hayward Next Week

Time: 6/10/2010 05:01:00 AM
ABC News:When BP CEO Tony Hayward comes to Washington, DC, next week, he will almost certainly be summoned to meet with President Obama at the White House.

BP's share price opened at 345 pence - its lowest level since 1997 - before recovering to 375p in early trading.

BP plc (BP) says it's puzzled by a drop in its share price, which fell 16% Wednesday in trading on the NYSE. The stock dropped as low as $33, down from a 52-week high of $62.38. BP's market cap is now only $91 billion.

As BP finds itself caught between an angry U.S. administration and unhappy shareholders, Prime Minister David Cameron's office said the British leader would discuss the issue with President Barack Obama on a scheduled telephone call over the weekend.

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