The world's smallest flash microcontroller package made by Atmel Corporation (NASDAQ: ATML)

Time: 5/16/2010 05:42:00 AM
Atmel (R) Corporation (NASDAQ: ATML), a leading microcontroller solutions and affect the availability of the production for the world's smallest flash AVR (R) announced microcontroller. The Atmel ATtiny4, ATtiny5, April ATtiny9, and ATtiny10 microcontroller (MCU) is in an ultra-small 8-Pad UDFN, with a size of only 2mm x 2mm x 0.6 mm and a weight of at least 8 mg reduced size of the package much as 55 percent on smaller parcels are being offered in the world today in comparison. These products are designed for applications in consumer electronics, lighting and industrial control markets. The new devices are designed for applications in a lightweight and small consumers of factors, such as cell phones, toys, toothbrushes, toiletries and other portable electronic devices ideal.

About Atmel

Atmel Corporation (Nasdaq: ATML) is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of microcontrollers, capacitive touch solutions, advanced logic, mixed-signal, nonvolatile memory and radio frequency (RF) components. Leveraging one of the industry's broadest intellectual property (IP) technology portfolios, Atmel is able to provide the electronics industry with complete system solutions focused on consumer, industrial, security, communications, computing and automotive markets.

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